Monday, June 28, 2010


adding is to put something to other things were there before .


  1. you can adding friends,when u meet them .some people adding the friendS at School ,at Job ,at Hosptal,...
    is not only the friends that u can adding , u can also adding some things like Edication . whhen you already graduate from High school ,you can go to College to get more Education.that means u adding Edication

    Also u can adding Money .when u have large family that u need to help, then u don't have enough money for help them,u can go looking for extra job for adding some money.

    Other way for adding : when the builder are building the house ,if they see that the rooms they made are small they kep adding entil it comes big as they wanted.

    other Example for adding : when you are writing a book, you can add a picture for make it beautyful.

  2. 1 comments:
    estella said...
    you can adding friends,when u meet them .some people adding the friendS at School ,at Job ,at Hosptal,...
    is not only the friends that u can adding , u can also adding some things like Edication . whhen you already graduate from High school ,you can go to College to get more Education.that means u adding Edication

    Also u can adding Money .when u have large family that u need to help, then u don't have enough money for help them,u can go looking for extra job for adding some money.

    Other way for adding : when the builder are building the house ,if they see that the rooms they made are small they kep adding entil it comes big as they wanted.

    other Example for adding : when you are writing a book, you can add a picture for make it beautyful
